There is no right or wrong way to phrase a question, but it helps to be clear on what you want to talk about. Some possible things you could ask are:

  • I want a general reading, tell me what’s going on?
  • I’m trying to make a big decision about __________? (moving, ending a relationship, changing careers, etc.)
  • I keep coming up against the same problem over and over. Why is that?
  • I’m thinking about _____ part of my life. (family, relationship, career, health, etc.)
  • Am I on the right path?
  • How do I balance ____ and _____?
  • How can I find _______? (peace, happiness, love, contentment, etc.)
  • I want to take stock of the previous year/look at what I should focus on for the coming year.
  • I just went through a lot of big changes. How can I integrate them, find closure, move forward, etc.?