This website lists the various decks I read with, but when you choose a deck, you will be doing it blindly: each one is wrapped in its own scarf and you won’t be able to see the cards before you choose. Some people choose because they like the color of the scarf; others hold them and go by the vibe. If we’re reading online, I’ll hold up the decks and you can say yes, no or maybe until we get down to a single deck.
For parties, I bring all my decks with me, “audition” them prior to starting the gig, and end up choosing 2-3 decks for the evening. That way, people have a choice, but they don’t have an overwhelming number of choices.
A good tarot reading should give you a lot to think about after you leave. If you decide to experiment with some of the suggestions, you will need time to see if a particular approach or tool works for you. I recommend getting a reading no more than once every 6-12 months.
While it’s lovely for you to be able to hold the cards, shuffle them and cut them, I can do that part for you. I’ve read for people over the phone and on video for several years, and you need not be present to win.
Nope, that skill is not in my bag o’ tricks. Even if I could see the future, I’m a big believer in spiritual autonomy, and I wouldn’t want to program you. There are many talented readers out there who will tell you what will happen to you when, where and with whom. I prefer to focus on things that are in your control to shift, heal or change, assisting you in creating the life you want. I don’t communicate with the dead, and I can’t tell you what another person is doing or thinking or saying. This is all about you and where you stand in present time.
My readings provide an objective, outsider’s take on what is inside of your sub/conscious mind and heart. We might uncover old thought or behavior patterns that skew your perspective, discover needs or desires that cause others to respond negatively toward you, identify places where you need to let go or dig your heels in, or find changes you can make to your environment, habits or relationships that will help you to live with more ease and grace. You can take the information away, think about it, and decide to make a change.
If you live a stressful, over-scheduled life, tarot can help step out of the funhouse of your world for a moment to take stock of where you are. People often seek out guidance via the cards when their lives are falling apart, or they are in transition. Moves, career changes, deaths, relationship beginnings or endings, birthdays, life milestones, and celebrations are all fantastic times to get a reading! Tarot can help you move through your human journey with conscious, deliberate devotion, and make your life more meaningful, joyful and sacred.
There is no right or wrong way to phrase a question, but it helps to be clear on what you want to talk about. Some possible things you could ask are:
“I want a general reading, tell me what’s going on?”
“I’m trying to make a big decision about __________? “
(moving, ending a relationship, changing careers, etc.)
“I keep coming up against the same problem over and over. Why is that?”
“I’m thinking about _____ part of my life.”
(family, relationship, career, health, etc.)
“Am I on the right path?”
“How do I balance ____ and _____?”
“How can I find _______?”
(peace, happiness, love, contentment, etc.)
“I want to take stock of the previous year/look at what I should focus on for the coming year.”
“I just went through a lot of big changes. How can I integrate them, find closure, move forward, etc.?”
When I’m reading for you, I want to make sure that we have the freedom to talk about whatever is on your mind or your heart. If your partner is present, you might not ask about something you really want to understand. This applies to issues in your relationship and in your life.
Also, when your romantic relationship is struggling, it’s easy to blame the other person for everything that’s going wrong, when in reality, the only thing you can control is your own thoughts and actions. If I were to read a couple together, one of you might feel validated by my feedback to support your point of view, and not examine your own behavior in the situation. That won’t resolve anything.
Example: couples often fight about housekeeping. One partner is messy while the other one criticizes the messy one. If I was to give them a reading together, the critical partner hears that their partner is messy while the messy partner hears that their partner is critical. What the messy partner needs to hear is that they are too messy, and the critical partner needs to hear that they are too critical.
That being said, if you get a reading and want to discuss at length after the fact, knock yourself out!
Tarot cards contain archetypal images that reflect the depth and breadth of human experience, and are not tied to a specific belief system. I have read for many atheists over the years. Many of them have come into the reading feeling skeptical and have come away pleasantly surprised. The most important thing is to approach the experience with an open mind, as you would anything you had yet to try.